My wedding during COVID-19

My wedding during COVID-19

These are quite complicated moments. We not only care about the health of our family, we worry about the well-being of the world, the economy situation and life in general; and to that we add a huge concern: our wedding. And not! Don’t feel bad or think you’re selfish because you worry about your wedding. Many brides tell us that they feel bad about focusing on their wedding knowing that there are bigger problems, and it is true, there are people dying and in critical health conditions as a consequence of COVID-19, but your wedding matters, a lot, there are many dreams and illusions put into it and you have to think about how to proceed.

I suggest that you vent first before thinking about where to start. Having an ice cream, that wine that you love, that series that you like, the way and moment that you prefer, but cry, or scream if necessary, you have the right to be distressed and feel bad; And then, take a shower, some exercise maybe , or meditate. Something to help you connect with you again and bring you to calm. In the same way that I suggest you let off steam, I ask you not to stay in anguish, everything has a solution, you have to see the positive and there will always always be a plan b, and sometimes these even turn out better! I can tell you!

So I recommend that you keep the following points in mind and keep an open mind. I promise that if you are surrounded by professionals and people who love what they do, your wedding will be even better than you originally thought, and hey! Remember that the reason you decided to get married is the love you have for each other and the desire to share it with those you love the most, and there is not date or time that could change that.

Keep in mind:

  • If you have already sent the invitations, you can always use a digital invitation when you have the new date. (Don’t rush, you should have a clearer picture to avoid further modifications). If you have not sent them yet, you can have the design ready and just wait until you have a definitive date to print them out and start delivery.
  • Inform your guests, if you do not have a new date yet, just let them know that you will soon confirm the date of the link. Everyone at this time is even more understanding and sure that your guests will support you in everything.
  • Review the contracts and conditions to reorganize the wedding. Talk to your suppliers, reach an agreement for the new date. Remember, the wedding sector is united to offer you as many alternatives as possible.
  • Something quite important that you should not neglect is the Dress (and the groom’s suit): talk to your advisor and make sure that the style is according to the new date. Do everything possible so that the store is the one who stores the dress to avoid ruining it at home and rid it of moisture or any type of inconvenience that may arise when having it stored at home. If you definitely have to store it at home, make sure you store it well and protect it, in a dry place completely free of moisture and all those agents that can damage it.
  • It is time to support each other and what better way than to support local work. Check what is the availability of local flowers on the new date you have chosen. And if you are in love with a flower that you want at your wedding that must be imported, check the conditions, prices and times so that you make sure you have it on time.The best energy for everyone, this is a parenthesis, we will see each other again, hugs will come back and mani ¨I do¨, so let’s not stop dreaming.
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