Posts by Tagtiming del dia

Hello to all wedding and event planning enthusiasts! If you’re looking for a special way to thank your guests for sharing the most important day of your life with you, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, I’ll present you with 10 creative ideas for thank you gifts that are sure to make...
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For many of us, our pets are more than just animals; they are members of our family. So why not include them in one of the most important days of your life? The trend of incorporating pets into weddings has been on the rise, and rightfully so. Wondering how you can do it? Keep reading...
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The colors of bridesmaids’ dresses can have different meanings. It may also depend on culture, tradition and personal preferences. Here are some common examples of what the colors of bridesmaids dresses can represent:  White dresses: White is traditionally the color of the bride. But some choose to dress their bridesmaids in the same color as...
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Your wedding reception is the perfect time for your guests to have fun and create unforgettable memories. If you’re looking for ways to liven up the celebration and keep everyone entertained, you’re reading the right blog! In this article, we present 7 creative ideas for activities and games that you can incorporate into your wedding...
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  Hello everyone and all lovers of nature and love! Today we are going to talk about how to organize a wedding that not only celebrates your engagement, but also respects and cares for our planet. In a world where environmental awareness is increasingly important, it is critical to consider how our choices can have...
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Your wedding day,  a unique and special day where the union between two people who love each other is celebrated and all the details are important, so today we will give you 5 tips to have a dream wedding… Where do we start? DEFINE THE CONCEPT OF YOUR WEDDING:  You will organize the wedding of...
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