Silja & LUIGI
Our story...
We met playing beer pong in Barcelona (2013). Silja was very bad, Luigi quite good; it was the perfect conversation starter. After the game we exchanged numbers, started to go on dates and we fell in love. This was not a part of the plan, as we were both young and still had many things we wanted to do.
Later that year Silja got the opportunity to work as a cabin crew in Dubai, we thought it was the end of our Barcelona romance, but it ended up being the beginning of our 3,5 years long-distance relationship.
We did our best to see each other as much as possible. Throughout the years we saw many beautiful places and shared great memories together. Our love definitely grew stronger and deeper during this time.
Our long-distance relationship came to an end in February 2018. Luigi called Silja and asked her to pick him up in the airport of Copenhagen. She was caught by surprise, since she was not expecting him to make the big step yet. From that day, Luigi moved to Denmark and we started living together. It was great because we finally had each other near, but it also called for adapting, compromising and get to know each other on another level.
In 2019 we bought an apartment. With the help from our friends and family, we made a full renovation and it became our new home. We enjoy spending time out with friends, but we also love to stay at home and enjoy each others company, especially during the cold winter days in Denmark.
In March 2021, we travelled to Tenerife to visit Luigi’s family. Luigi had had the ring ready for some time and couldn’t miss out this opportunity. He invited Silja to a luxurious hotel in the south of the island. The balcony of the room had an amazing sea view and Luigi took advantage of one of the most beautiful sunsets. After a long romantic speech he asked her to marry him and without hesitating, she said YES.
We are therefore pleased to invite you to our wedding to celebrate our love the 30th of September in Tenerife.

DATE: Friday, September 30th of 2022
Venue: Finca Los Afligidos, Los Realejos
time: 13:00HRS
We suggest to arrive 15 minutes before.
Reception to follow
How to get there
Confirm your attendance

Hotel RIU Garoe
Calle Dr. Celestino Gonzàlez Padrón, 3, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Tel: 922 38 29 88
Hotel Best Semiramis (Spa)
C. Leopoldo Cólogan Zulueta, 12, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Tel: 922 37 32 00
H10 Tenerife Playa (near the sea)
Av. de Cristobal Colón, 12, 38400 Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Tel: 922 38 32 11
***An option is also Airbnb where you can find apartments or Villa’s – feel free to contact the bride or groom if you need advice.
Ten presente que no existe servicio de Uber o Cabify en Tenerife / Have in mind that there is no Uber or Cabify in Tenerife.
Te sugerimos / We recommend:
*** Cicar
*** Cabrera medina
Tel: +34 928 822 900
*** Autoreisen